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December 02, 2004

light blogging

Until later today. I'm not coming home for lunch, I'm going ...

To the gym

I've realized I'm paying for a membership that I haven't used in months and I really feel (and see!) the difference. Argh. And the habit of going on a regular basis is sooo easy to break and drop.

In the meantime, if you haven't seen these moonbats take a look. I only link to them now as the guy, James, who developed the site was on Michael Medveds show yesterday. Distilled, his idea on why Kerry and the Democrats lost had not a damned thing to do with their message but with the people who didn't see it their way. For James, if people were properly educated and the Main Stream Media properly covered the issues, people would easily have voted for the Democratic message. The EU's get it, so the problem with those Jesusland inhabitants is their own refusal to see The Truth.

Yep. Looking at James gallery, I really see the intellectual creme de la creme of Leftist intellectsia.

Thank you, guys ... Keep thinking it was how your message was presented instead of the message itself. I see a filibuster proof Senate in 2006.

Jim Treacher has a few choice comments as he has captioned the pics. And, of course, We are not sorry.

I'll be back later!

Posted by Darleen at December 2, 2004 06:23 AM


I see I'm not the only one amused by these moonbats.

Have you seen http://www.apologiesaccepted.com/index.html ? It is amost as good. Most of these pictures are so funny on their own that they don't even need a comment, but I've commented on a few of them on my blog. http://dougie-pundit.blogspot.com/

Posted by: Dougie-Pundit at December 3, 2004 08:43 AM