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December 14, 2004

Islamic Ummah

I have a hard time believing people of good will, who know the facts involved, cannot fathom the danger of Islamism. The ideology is theocratic fascism -- gynophobic, anti-democratic, anti-individual -- and every sermon, every writing, every seminar held points to this fact.

Read that flier at the link (if it has been "disappeared", Charles Johnson has saved a screenshot.) What is it about the establishment of worldwide Islam, with no other religion/ideology allowed that Leftist apologists for Islamofascism continue to ignore?

Posted by Darleen at December 14, 2004 12:16 PM


You know, that's why I am CERTAIN that the only thing "peace" activist have is a hatred for America. How they can be allied with people who are supposedly their idealogical opposites is completely mind boggling.

Posted by: Gordon at December 14, 2004 02:08 PM

Oops. Sorry I just read your excellent post below. You dealt with that! Pardon me while I go slink under a rock. ;-)

Posted by: Gordon at December 14, 2004 02:09 PM

- Gordon - no slinking allowed - ...What you posted is exactly correct, and the unvarnished truth about the true "agenda" of the blathering Marxist boneheads. They want to push America into a secular, godless group of hedonistic ideologs, in the pattern of France. So you can't say it often enough because no matter how rediculous they look that never stops them. Like petulent children, they need constant discipline....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at December 14, 2004 04:59 PM

I think I have slipped into a time warp. I thought Gordon was a moonbat. Hello...... earth....where am I.... have I lost my mind???

YOu do great work Darleen!!! Keep it up!!!!!

Posted by: Sherri Reese at December 14, 2004 05:20 PM

- Ok...I'm just going to sit here between to beautiful right thinking ladies and sip my hot chocolate.....

Posted by: Big Bang Hunter at December 14, 2004 07:54 PM

You might be happy to learn that most Democrats are with you and against the radical pacifists. Howard Dean, for instance, thinks that unilateral invasions are justified if you have a good reason like preventing an imminent attack or stopping genocide. Presumably he'd allow multilateral invasions under a broader set of circumstances. We do have our Dennis Kucinich types, but there's a reason why he never had a serious chance to win the nomination.

The more common criticism of Bush among Democrats is that he's incompetent at fighting terrorism. (Osama got away, the ports aren't secure, Abu Ghraib gave Al-Qaeda wonderful propaganda, we trusted a crook named Ahmed Chalabi, insurgents ran off with 380 tons of high explosives, our allies are annoyed with us and won't help, etc.)

Not that you implied otherwise above, but I think you'd be happy to know that the radical pacifists are just as powerless, even within our party, as you want them to be.

Posted by: Ethical Werewolf at December 15, 2004 01:07 AM

And surprise, surprise... their page did disapear.

Posted by: Nick at December 15, 2004 08:50 AM