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October 16, 2004

Saturday reading - including Leftist Indecency Watch

Hi all! It's grey and cloudy here, and I've been running about this morning. Siobhan has yet another Field Show competition today (football game last night), so it was "buddy snack" run time, help with hair and get her to school by call time. Then it was time for ME. I went and had my hair cut and the grey beaten back with some excellent color wizardary by Heather's school chum, now cosmetologist, Robyn. Talented young lady who also loves to chat.

So let me offer up some links that have gotten my attention (and raised my dander).

Check out Michele's post about the reaction of some who are cheering the report of 17 American soldiers in Iraq disobeying orders. Especially take a gander at the comments. This is just plain moral indecency.

Also on the "moral indency" watch list are two stories featured by Charles Johnson today. First is group of people I'm ashamed to say are Americans who feel such self-loathing they are apologizing to the Iraqi people for liberating their country from the inhuman Saddam and his devil-spawned sons. These are people who probably saw the stories on Saddam's mass graves of women and children and merely shrugged.

Second, is a jaw-dropping story of a British ambassador offering up a non-apology apology for Britian's bombing of Nazi Germany.

Just as Kedwards will say anything in this campaign, including channeling the cheesiest of faith healers by promising a Kerry win will have the paralyzed rising from their wheelchairs Healed! Healed, praise JAYSUS!, so does the so-called Main Stream Media continue to in the same vein to religiously back Kerry, even if it means distorting the news. Don't miss this post from Outside the Beltway and click through the link to the groundwork post.

MEMRI latest is This report out of Egypt in regards to the Taba bombings. Guess who they blame? Americans? Yes! Israelis? Yes, again!

Someone remind me, how much foreign aid do we give to Egypt? And why do we still continue to?

Posted by Darleen at October 16, 2004 01:25 PM
