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October 22, 2004

John Kerry's currency

Charles Krauthammer gives full voice to what most of us voting for GW already suspected:

The centerpiece of John Kerry's foreign policy is to rebuild our alliances so the world will come to our aid, especially in Iraq. He repeats this endlessly because it is the only foreign policy idea he has to offer. The problem for Kerry is that he cannot explain just how he proposes to do this. ...

He really does want to end America's isolation. And he has an idea how to do it. For understandable reasons, however, he will not explain how on the eve of an election.

Think about it: What do the Europeans and the Arab states endlessly rail about in the Middle East? What (outside of Iraq) is the area of most friction with U.S. policy? What single issue most isolates America from the overwhelming majority of countries at the United Nations?

The answer is obvious: Israel.

In what currency, therefore, would we pay the rest of the world in exchange for their support in places such as Iraq? The answer is obvious: giving in to them on Israel.

No Democrat will say that openly. But anyone familiar with the code words of Middle East diplomacy can read between the lines.

How can anyone who believes in the sovereignty of Israel even contemplate a vote for Kerry?

Posted by Darleen at October 22, 2004 06:38 AM


Israel gets $3 BILLION a year from U.S. And they maintain a system which treats the Palestinian people as second class citizens. Israel is practicing a present day Apartheid. I don't see why we can't use the leverage of our $3 billion as a way to strong arm Israel into negotiating for peace. I'm not suggesting they negotiate with terrorists--but then again, I suspect you don't believe there is such a thing as a non-terrorist Palestinian representative.

The Palestinains have lived in their neighborhoods for thousands of years. Why do Israelis and their supporters act as if they have no rights?

Posted by: Brad at October 22, 2004 02:35 PM


Arab-Israeli's have every right in Israel, including the right to vote. They sit on the Knesset. The only right they do not have is to serve in the Israeli Army.

Guess what gay Arab-Palestinians do that are not IN Israel .. they FLEE to Israel.

The Arab-Palestinians under Arafat have chosen to live in an undemocratic, autocratic dictatorship that engenders a culture of death towards "The Zionist Entity".

You really ought to research history before bringing up the Left disinformation talking points about Israel. Who founded Jerusalem? Jews. Who has lived continuously in the area of Israel long before Arabs and certainly before moslems. Jews. Where did the word "Palestine" come from? Until recently it referred to the JEWS of the area ... a name bestowed by the conquering Romans who bastardized the word "Philistine" (The Israelites enemy) for the region in an effort to erase the Jewish people and heritage of the area.

Israel is a thriving democracy in a sea of hate. Arabs seek Judarein. From the Hamas charter to Arafat to every Islamist terrorist, they are clear that the state of Israel is to be destroyed and the Jews driven out.

There is no moral equivalency here. The best thing GW ever did was make it clear he would not deal with the Egyptian terrorist Arafat.

Brad, you should be ashamed.

Posted by: Darleen at October 22, 2004 05:27 PM

No Darleen, you are wrong. Arabs have occupied Palestine for 10,000 years, along with Jews. There was no "sea of hate" as you describe it until after the Jews forcibly took land from the Arabs, starting a century ago after the first Zionist Congress. You don't know your history and frankly, your mind is closed. Read Avi Schlaim's book The Iron Wall.
Stop defending Israeli terrorism.

Posted by: Brad at October 25, 2004 06:13 AM


You are woefully ignorant of the history of the ME if you Arab moslems didn't hate Jews until the estabishment of Israel.

Look up the relationship between the Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler.

Heck, read up on dhimmitude and Mohammad's own call to moslems to subjugate Jews who he hated because they turned down his offer to convert.

"Israeli terrorism" seems to fall easily from your mouth yet you know, you are too intelligent not to know, that while all moslems are not terrorists, all terrorist actions these days are Islamist.

Fix your moral compass.

Posted by: Darleen at October 25, 2004 06:28 AM

BTW Brad

Also consider that just recently Saudi Arabia updated its laws concerning granting citizenship to expats and others living in the Kingdom for 10+ years ... except for "Palestinians" which number 500,000.

Why? Because they are the shock troops the Islamist want to destroy Jews.

Who is ultimately responsible for the plight of Arab-Palestinians? Who has artificially kept them in a so-called refugee status for decades rather than allowing them to settle as Israel has done with the hundreds of thousands of Jews forced from their lands in the Arab world?

Arabs and the UN.

The world said, the Jew is a problem in our midst, let them have again, their own place where they can be
Then the world said, the nation of the Jew is a problem in our midst

Jews cannot be here
Jews cannot be there
Jews cannot be

Islamists are the heirs of the Third Reich.

Never again.

Posted by: Darleen at October 25, 2004 06:39 AM