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October 08, 2004

Debate II --

I'll probably not be live blogging this because I have some errands to run with Siobhan (first Field Show competition tomorrow). However, I'll be watching or listening to it on the radio and will give my first impressions and later analysis.

On the Leftist indecency watch:
I'm not sure how Charles stands it, but he delves the depths of the delusion democraticunderground and finds them discussing how GW will nuke American cities if he falls behind Kerry.

Drudge reveals an internal ABC News memo:

n internal memo written by ABCNEWS Political Director Mark Halperin admonishes ABC staff: During coverage of Democrat Kerry and Republican Bush not to "reflexively and artificially hold both sides 'equally' accountable."

Yeah, no bias there. Move along, nothing to see.

Posted by Darleen at October 8, 2004 05:43 PM
