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October 08, 2004

Continuing -- Coarsening the Culture

More evidence of the moral bankruptcy of the Left. On Wednesday, Sept. 29, Dennis Prager interviewed Harriet Malinowitz, a professor of English at Long Island University, and administrator of a literary award named for terror-enabler Rachel Corrie.

Any questions?

Posted by Darleen at October 8, 2004 06:46 AM


Professor Harriet Malinowitz is one of those fascist busybodies that masks her power tripping under the guise of leftwing politics. She can't teach worth a damn and her class is full of her preaching incessantly about topics that her students neither care about nor have any interest in. She was simply given this forum to babble on incessantly and she takes it.

Furthermore, she grades papers based on her political bias. If you agree with her political bias (quote Chomsky throughout) she gives you an A. If you don't agree with her gross generalisations, she gives you either a C for "gross generalizations" or an F for "not answering the question." (of course the question of that paper was "relate the old philosophers to the 2004 election and be creative" which meant "tell me why Bush agrees with Machiavelli")

She is one of the worst professors that I have ever encountered in my entire academic career. The only professor that ranks worse would be Marty Roth at the U of MN who sucked the life out of every piece of literature we studied by repeating the same idiotic "race, class, gender" refrain.

And I am a liberal too.

Posted by: Tim Lieder at February 14, 2005 08:57 AM