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September 17, 2004

UPDATE: France or Spain?

My first impression of the EL PAÍS ad campaign I linked to here was more signaling further capitulation to Islamists than just one of singular tone-deaf idiocy. This morning Command-Post links to an apology by EL PAÍS and offers an English translation. And excerpt from V-man's translation:

EL PAÍS apologizes for the use of the images of the terrorist attack against the Twin Towers in New York, which happend on September 11, 2001, for a campaign to aquire subscribers to ELPAIS.es. This regrettable campaign, carried out through emails, supported by two photos of New York, one with the Twin Towers and another one without, under the heading “You can do a lot in one day, imagine what can happen in three months”. The promotional campaign started last Monday, September 13, and was sent to more than 50,000 recipients before it was cancelled, on Wednesday 15th. EL PAÍS, its publisher and the Grupo Prisa profoundly regret the use of a tragedy, which in this case cost the lives of more than 2,700 persons, for publicity purposes. We would like to apologize for it to the victims and their families, to the citizens of New York who experienced that agression from up close, and to those who saw among their email this ominous message, and to all the readers of the newspaper.

Any explanation about the chain of errors which led to the launch of this campaign is insufficient, which some of our readers rightly qualified as repugnant. We share the disgust they have expressed in numerous messages and letters to the management and we are sorry it happened.

Do read the whole thing.

Doesn't it make you wonder how much credibility CBS could have salvaged from the forged memo debacle if they had offered up a similar apology on day two rather than being here, at day eight, with CBS and Rather still acting belligerent. "Fake but Accurate" indeed. Orwell must be spinning in his grave.

Posted by Darleen at September 17, 2004 05:54 AM
