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September 03, 2004

This is why we fight

Chechens and Arabs that stormed the school in Beslan are not "separatists" "rebels" "hostage-takers". They are terrorists. The guislings in the so-called "mainstream media" have got to stop avoiding the term. The Islamofascist terrorists deserve no more than being hanged from the nearest lamppost while crows peck out their eyes.

There is no excuse, no "human rights violations," no "oppression," that justifies the wanton torture and murder by the Islamists, either in Israel or in NYC or now over the last several days, Russia.

Some of the places you need to read:

read on

Logic & Sanity (translating from Russian)
Command Post
The Laughing Wolf
Allah Pundit

Islamists are evil wrapped in human skin and walking upright. They shot fleeing children in the back. They clubbed children to death with rifle butts.

If you are up to it, look at the photos.

Don't just extend Russia your prayers and spiritual support, lend her your anger. If her schoolchildren can be so cynically used by this deathcult, what makes anyone believe American children are any safer?

Posted by Darleen at September 3, 2004 05:00 PM
