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September 28, 2004

From 'symbology' to 'misleadisments'

A couple of posts back, I got a certain amount of amusement from Bruce Springsteen's Rolling Stone Magazine interview, especially where he uses a legitimate five-dollar word like "oligarchy" and then coins his own words like "symbology." When GW fumbles his words the Angry Left tosses the confetti and almost rolls over in orgasmic joy in adding to their "Bushisms" list and crowing that it is yet another chunk of "evidence" of GW's "stupidity." "Bushisms" are the stuff of domestic L.A.M.E. (Legacy American Media Establishment) columns.

However, in another example of the double-standard that L.A.M.E. engages in during their partisan attempt to drag Jo_Ke into the White House, Jonah Goldberg points out a Kerrysm that only got a mention in the foreign press. And a Kerrysm, not because of a word fumble in the midst of conversation, but a coined word that approaches self-parody.

thought the "W is for Wrong" thing was lame. But this from yesterday was lameness wrapped in dorkiness swaddled in wimpiness. Yesterday, after whining that Bush's negative ads were getting so mean that the American people were getting scared from all the nastiness he declared:

"I'm calling them 'misleadisments,'. It's all scare tactics because (Bush) has no record to run on."

At least when Bush butchers a word he does it by accident. Kerry probably sat down and hammered this out with aides. I wonder why they didn't go with distortials or miscommercials.

I also wonder why I could only find this tidbit in foreign newspapers.

Yeh, I wonder, too.

Posted by Darleen at September 28, 2004 12:25 PM
