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September 15, 2004

Excuse me .. I'm having an "ARGH!" moment

I still cannot believe what I'm reading from what are, purportedly, "reasonable" lefties commenting here. They merely keep repeating over and over

*The documents haven't been proven fake
*Even if they are fake they speak to "bigger truths"
*Secretary Knox confirms that the content is real, the "maybe fake" docs could be just bad copies of the real docs
*That no one has the real docs it proves that a Bush operative shredded them
*Killian's son is not credible because he got in the guard by "pull" too...

Suddenly Knox is the darling of the desperation set, an avowed Bush-hater, they have taken to their collective bosom. She just can't have her own agenda (and now at this late date she knows all the problems with the fakes..so she speaks as if the pressure/physical stuff is really more than a year earlier...just a typo from from those misguided by good-hearted forgers, you know).

Where were these guys when Rosemary Woods was getting a bad rap?

Guess these guys had no problems when the Boston Globe published as "real" fake "GI Rape" pictures picked off a porn site because, after all, as long as the pictures were speaking to someone's "essential truth" that's all that matters.

And I guess they'd have no problem with police planting fake evidence, I mean, as long as the police believed it was speaking to someones "essential truth."

And when a newspaper publishes on the front page tomorrow, during Rosh Hashana, "Protocols of the Elders of Zion Book...fake but content speaks to essential truth" ...

They oughta be a shamed of themselves... if shame were any part of their vocabulary.

Posted by Darleen at September 15, 2004 06:49 AM
